
Sunday, November 29, 2015


Hey everyone! A few quick things:

I know I haven't posted in a reallllyyyy long time but I've been working on the blog: I've created several drafts of posts but have yet to publish any of them, preferring to perfect them first. The problem? They never get finished, much less perfected. Writing has always been somewhat of an escape for me and I've turned to this blog several times since I last posted. I'm going to start publishing what I write instead of holding onto it forever.

Also, this blog has become less and less about makeup; I'm trying to change the theme, name, etc. to better reflect what this blog a) has become and b) what I hope it evolves into.

So yeah. That's about it. Look out for this blog in the future. Thanks for staying here all this time.

-MMM (probably the last time you'll hear that!)